Thursday, February 18, 2010


In high school, it was always MLA format that my English teachers were most familiar with, and I guess they passed the tradition. I think MLA is a bit simpler, more like common sense. It's one of those styles that one doesn't have to really think about in order to do it. APA is a style that I am neiter familiar nor comfortable with; in fact, I never had to use such a thing until I started taking these courses online. To me, it's more complicated than it has to be--what with headings and subheadings and such time-consuming nonsense.

Documentation never interested me, but of course it must be done to protect the successes of authors and authoresses, as well as all other geniuses who've managed to have their pieces published.

Bibliographies have always been simple, but nonetheless bore me with all of its rules (i.e. alphabetical order, format, etc.). It's easy to lose interest.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth:

    I, too feel that MLA documentation is easier. However, anything worth doing is hard, and knowing how to do APA style will benefit you in your academic career.

    Thanks for posting!
